Author Archives: Greenacres Direct

How your lawn helps the environment

When you choose to have a natural grass lawn, your decision has a significant environmental impact — one that’s overwhelmingly positive. Natural grass lawns are sustainable, environmentally sound choices that contribute to environmental health and stability. By choosing to plant grass and improve your lawn’s sustainability, you can enjoy its natural beauty along with these… Continue reading .

No Dig Gardening

As the “No Dig” movement gains momentum, we are exploring the underlying principles behind this concept. According to a recent report, the soil contains a staggering 2500 billion tonnes of carbon, significantly surpassing the 800 billion tonnes present in the atmosphere and the 560 billion tonnes found in plants and animal life worldwide. During photosynthesis,… Continue reading .

Manufactured fertilisers versus Organic fertilisers

Manufactured fertilisers versus Organic fertilisers We are continuing to help the environment and reduce our carbon emissions so we thought we would have a look at the pros and cons of each type of fertiliser that we can use. Manufactured fertilisers – How are these produced? Plants require a balanced percentage of nutrients to produce… Continue reading .

The Rose Society

Greenacres Direct are proud to announce their association with the Rose Society UK The Rose Society UK are a charity that promotes the ‘Nation’s favourite flower’ by supporting rose breeders, trials and the rose trade in the UK. If you love roses you might be interested in their quarterly publication called the ‘Rose Times’ which… Continue reading .

Worm Advice

Although worms are beneficial for the garden, they can be a real problem in the lawn, producing surface worm casts. If the casts are left they may be squashed flat with your mower or underfoot creating an uneven surface, smothering the grass and providing a seedbed for weeds to grow in. Casting worms do not… Continue reading .

Post Draught Lawn Care

How a few months have changed our lawns and gardens! If your lawn is anything like mine it has changed dramatically since the spring… Do not despair, the lawn will recover with a little TLC. After the drought has stopped i.e. late August or early September lawn renovation can begin – no need to re-lay… Continue reading .

Grass Seed

Believe it or not every year up to a quarter of the grass in the average lawn can die. By over-seeding – sowing new grass seed into your existing lawn – you can rejuvenate it and bring it back to life. Over-seeding dramatically improves the appearance of the lawn as new grass breeding occurs then… Continue reading .