Grass Seed

Believe it or not every year up to a quarter of the grass in the average lawn can die. By over-seeding – sowing new grass seed into your existing lawn – you can rejuvenate it and bring it back to life.
Over-seeding dramatically improves the appearance of the lawn as new grass breeding occurs then stronger darker leafed grasses will make your lawn retain its colour for longer in periods of dry and adverse weather. By increasing the density of the grass sward you will also reduce weed invasion and the use of lawn weedkillers, both cost effective and environmentally friendly. The lawn in the British garden has its place within the Ecosystem to absorb carbon in the soil and absorb CO2, but something people forget a beautiful lawn is good for your mental well-being – relaxing on a thick lush lawn feels good.

In shaded areas always use a grass seed mixture that will tolerate such conditions, such as our Landscape or Greenshade mixture.
Providing the lawn is not directly under a tall spreading conifer, any grass will grow in the shade. If you are looking for a grass seed mix that will be used in a non utility area (cut occasionally through the year) then our new EcoSword mix would be ideal, a specially designed mix that has a microClover added to the grass seed mix which helps with low soil fertility as the micro clover will help with nitrogen fixation within the soil.

The secret is to mow at a greater height and regularly.
All plants use their leaves to grab light, which is why plants like hostas have such a large leaf area and grow perfectly well in low light levels. Grass is no different – just increase the height of the cut to between 7.5-10 cm depending on the level of light restriction. Grass can grow all year round and this cutting height should be maintained 12 months of the year. Regularly all year feeding is also essential – easily achieved with the Greenacres range of quality lawn fertilisers – as is watering during periods of dry weather.