Remedy for dry patches on lawns

Has your lawn got brown patches that remain even after rain? If so are not alone! As our climate warms periods of excessive heat are becoming increasingly common and this creates problems for our lawns.

In addition, most lawns are laid on substandard growing medium i.e. subsoil, clay or a minimum of topsoil for the lawn to grow in. As the temperature increases, the top layer of soil heats up and dries and eventually becomes anaerobic. This is a common problem due to a waxy buildup of organic material in the soil, this process causes the organisms to retract and become dormant and prevents the soil from releasing its nutrients and water to the plant and so the grass will wilt and suffer.

In this condition water from irrigation or rainfall does not filter down to saturate and hydrate the soil instead, it can wash off the surface into areas where it is not required.

Applying fertilisers to the lawn in such anaerobic conditions could be fruitless as the fertiliser would not permeate the soil and instead sit on the soil surface and meaning nutrients would not be available to the grass plant.

We have a remedy for this problem, with a new product called Satugran. This is a granular wetting agent which helps water spread laterally throughout the soil profile giving maximum stress relief to the grass and reducing vital grass loss. Satugran has been formulated so it is easy and clean to apply.

Satugran Lawn Weeting Agent

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